Focus your search

Key economic indicators and regional data can help you in your journey. Use the resources below to search for spaces to put your time and money into as an investor or find a place to put down roots as a business.

Alberta’s Regional Dashboard

Explore the Battle River region’s economic indicators. They can help clarify and simplify your site selection decision. Data* includes information such as demographics & population, construction, municipal finances, and more.

Data collected by the province of Alberta on behalf of the region is based mainly on municipal and federal census data.

a community park in the battle river region of alberta with ponds and walk ways to green grassy areas

Looking for community-specific information?

Check out individual community profiles.

Business Immigration

Whether you’re a foreign investor interested in temporary or permanent business-related immigration, or opening your own business in the Battle River region, it’s important you understand the immigration processes. We can help you learn how to efficiently immigrate your business into the Battle River region.


If you want to operate or invest in a business as a self-employed person in Canada and the Battle River region, the first step is to register with Citizenship and Immigration Canada. The Government of Canada has replaced previous Immigrant Investor and Entrepreneur programs with an Immigrant Investor Venture Capital Pilot Program.


Get help through the immigration process by consulting an immigration lawyer. You can find a list of ones to choose from on the Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants (CAPIC).


The Alberta government also runs a program designed to bring immigrants into the province. Through the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program, individuals, their spouse or common-law partner, and dependent children can be nominated to apply for a permanent residency visa.

a worker at a desk typing on a laptop highlighting BRAED online and employment training services

Business tools

Small businesses are a vital component of the Battle River region economy. Sharing business support is part of who we are and how we can help you become successful.