Everything employers need to know

At BRAED, we strive to provide a central source for current and relevant information for employers. Browse these resources to recruit, hire and retain employees. Plus, get assistance to better operate and grow your business.

Labour Force

Battle River has a highly skilled and evolving workforce. The Alberta government has created a dashboard with information on the region’s demographics, key industries and more. They also conduct an annual review with statistics on regional labour market changes.

View the dashboard | See the stats

Recruitment & Retention

There are several tools available to ensure your business is attracting and retaining the most qualified candidates.

Wage Subsidy Programs can reduce your wage costs if higher wage expectations are a recruitment challenge.

Workers Compensation Board of Alberta provides cost-effective disability and liability insurance and compensates injured workers for lost income, health care and other costs.

Business Counselling & Events

Continually upgrading business skills and obtaining the most relevant information helps your business maintain a competitive advantage. These organizations provide business counselling, coaching and host training events in the Battle River region.

Wage Subsidy for Employers

Getting the right job candidate may mean dealing with higher wage expectations. Wage subsidies and other financial incentive programs can reduce your wage costs. Find out if your business is eligible.

Hiring Foreign Workers

Your business may require you to extend your recruitment efforts beyond your own province or country. Although the province and the Alberta HUB remain committed to hiring Albertans and Canadians first, attracting skilled immigrants is an important part of addressing labour pressures.

  • Reducing downtime and lost revenue due to unfilled roles
  • Increasing productivity and revenue with a fully operating workforce
  • Creating a cross-cultural learning experience
Getting Started

There are provincial and federal programs available for Alberta employers who are considering hiring foreign labour. It is important to first understand what the Temporary Foreign Worker program is and how it works.


To assist employers with the Temporary Foreign Worker program, there are support services through local Temporary Foreign Worker Advisory Offices.